We attend WordCamps, here are some great reasons why you could to

For those of you who are unaware of WordCamps, they are conferences aimed at the WordPress community which takes place around the world, typically over a weekend. Now, these are certainly not just for geeky developers, they cater for all users of WordPress, be it the casual blogger, to the more experienced developer, there is something for all.

We are off to WordCamp Bristol in a couple of days and here are 7 great reasons why you must attend a WordCamp:

Great talks
This is the bread and butter of a WordCamp and you really get the chance to hear some amazing talks. These talks range in subject matter massively and you might get a talk about how WordPress was used on a major enterprise standard site or about how to make better use of WordPress menus.

There are typically at least 2 talks going on at one time in separate tracks so you can pick and choose what you listen to. I have always found the talks excellent and I have learnt some amazing things in the talks I have been to.

Here is the schedule for WordCamp Bristol 2017 so you can get a feel for the talks on offer.

The price
A conference like WordCamp would typically cost around £180 for a ticket but WordCamps are subsidised by the WordPress foundation and are sponsored events, so the tickets are incredibly cheap. Instead of £180, you might only pay £25 to £30 which for a 2-day conference with lunchtime food included is a massive bargain.

What a great place to meet like-minded people and businesses you can work with as you know that everyone is really into WordPress. You can talk to people you wouldn’t normally have access to and create relationships that will help you and your business. There are also job boards put up so you might find that dream job you have been looking for.

Openness of people who are there
This is a major plus as the WordPress community is open and welcoming to all. People who you look up to in the WordPress world are always approachable and friendly and are easily accessible at a WordCamp. This is certainly true if you are a first timer who is coming alone, there is nothing to worry about as most people will speak to you and make you feel welcome.

After parties
This has to be mentioned as there is always a fantastic after party on the first night where everyone gets together for some drinks and fun. You will be able to meet and chat with people who you might not have spoken to before. It might not be the best reason to go to a WordCamp, it is the most fun reason though.

Contributor days
These typically take place either the day before or after the main conference and are a great way for people to contribute back to WordPress by giving up their time to work on the WordPress open source project. This doesn’t have to be WordPress development and can include tasks such as working on translations. Very much worth doing it you are available.

There are always great giveaways at WordCamps from T-Shirts to USB Sticks and you are encouraged to get as much swag as you possibly can. It’s another small reason but it all adds up to making WordCamps awesome.

I will blog next week about WordCamp Bristol, I am sure it’s going to be a good one. If you are going to be there, say hello and let’s talk WordPress.