We have a ticket for WordCamp Europe 2017 to give away

We are giving away a ticket for WordCamp Europe 2017 and we want to give it to someone worthwhile, someone who would like to go but is unsure or someone who we know would get massive benefit from.

WordCamp Europe is from June 15 -17 2017 and is going to be huge this year and has an impressive array of speakers including a lot of the major players in the world of WordPress. If you want more information about it then please click here.

If you want to win this ticket then drop us an email to hello@wp-agency.co.uk with the reasons why you would be a good winner and if you have a good story then we will add you to the pot. A random winner will then be picked from this pot on the 26th May 2017 and the winner will be notified then.

Entries close on the 25th May 2017, good luck!

The prize is a standard ticket to WordPress Europe 2017 with a value of € 40 and doesn’t cover any other costs. No other cash equivalent is available. We will not use your emails for spam under any circumstances and our decision is final.