Weekly round-up of WordPress news – Vol 4

Weekly WordPress News

Another week and more great content in the WordPress world. Here are 6 articles which caught our eye in the last week.

Asking the right questions for accelerated productivity, clarity and growth – Alex Denning
We are great believers in better questions leading to better answers. Here, Alex explores the questions that he asks to help him maximise what he does as a WordPress freelancer.

Lint Code Like A Boss – WebDevStudios
Slightly older article but one of the best explanations of how to use linters to check your code against the WordPress coding standards as you type it. We use Atom editor and have it set up to Lint all of our code and its invaluable in producing the high standard of work that we deliver.

CSS Grid—The Future of Web Design is Already Here – Nelio Software
This could be one of the biggest breakthroughs in web development since Flexbox. This article contains all you need to know about CSS Grid and how and why you should be using it.

Everything you need to know about WordCamp Europe 2017 – Torque Mag
WordCamp Europe is only a few weeks away and its going to be a biggie. If you are going and what to know what to expect, this article will really help.

How To Perform A Website Audit For Incredible Growth – Newt Labs
A high performing site is a must and it involves many factors that you might not consider. This is a an excellent guide to what to look for and why you need to audit your site in the first place.

Google Search is Going Mobile-First – Here’s What It Means for Your WordPress Site – WPMU Dev
This isn’t new news as Google announced this update several months ago. This article helps to explain what you need to do to ensure your WordPress site isn’t affected by any changes Google make to search engine rankings on mobiles.