Weekly round-up of WordPress news – Vol 5

Weekly WordPress from WP Agency

Some more news from the WordPress community including some exciting news about a WordPress core release in the next month.

WordPress 4.8 Release Targeted for June 8 – WP Tavern
This is the first major release of 2017 for WordPress and we will be doing a blog post about the new features to expect in WordPress 4.8 before its planned release on June 8t, 2017. If you want to find out more now then this article from WP Tavern does a good job of laying ut what to expect.

How To Make WordPress Hard For Clients To Mess Up – Smashing Magazine
Let’s be honest, we all have a client that breaks a site we have given them, even with all our best intentions. This Smashing Magazine article covers some neat tricks you can do to make the site less likely to break so you can sleep better at night knowing the site isn’t about to explode.

An introduction to accessibility – Flywheel
Accessibility is as important to your website as good design and navigation (you can quote us on that!). This is the first part in a series about web accessibility that breaks down what accessibility means in a simple to understand language.

How to Write an Epic Case Study that Wins More Business – Optin Monster
Optin Monster really know there stuff when it comes to selling and here is another great post from their blog about how to write case studies that win you more business. Effective case studies can make or break your business and so this is a great guide if you are looking to maximise the case studies on your site.

Social Media Strategy: For Real? (No, But I’ve Tools) – Tom Mcfarlin
Tom is someone who blogs daily about WordPress and it’s always interesting to hear about what other bloggers do regarding their social strategy. Here Tom explains what tools he uses and there were a couple there that I hadn’t heard of before that I will be checking out.

The last batch of tickets to WordCamp Bristol are selling quick – WordCamp Bristol
The last few tickets for this weekend’s WordCamp Bristol are selling quick so if you want to come then you better move fast. We will be there so come and say hello if you get a chance.