WordPress power tools: Post Status Membership

In the first post of a series, we are going to be looking at the essential tools we use on a daily basis to make outstanding WordPress websites for creative and digital agencies. Today, we are discussing one of our most valuable resources, membership to the Post Status Club.

A brief history

Post Status  is a website “dedicated to informing WordPress professionals and enthusiasts about the industry” and was formed originally in 2013 by Brian Krogsgard. Brian’s outcome was to share all of the amazing content and news that was around in the world of WordPress.

At the start of 2015 the Post Status club was formed, a paid for membership “geared toward professional WordPressers seeking news, insights, and community centered around the popular publishing platform”. Club membership is just $99 per year, whilst patron membership comes in at a very reasonable $365 per year.

What it means for us…

Some resources are invaluable to us and keeping up to date with all of the relevant WordPress news can be time consuming. On a daily basis we always check two sites, WP Tavern and Chris Lema’s blog , for relevant information to what we do. These provide a good basis of WordPress specific information and general good business practice.

What Post Status club membership does for us is provide that deeper level of coverage that would take us hours to investigate. It gets us the best bits of WordPress news in regular emails that we always read from start to finish. From the key stories in each email to the footnotes of short snippets of information, Post Status emails are well written, highly informative and in a way strangely addictive, they are that good.

Recent topics have included in depth analysis of the WordPress REST API, coverage of WordPress conferences and news of plugin purchases in the WordPress ecosystem. Brian has also included a highly honest and transparent year in review where he highlighted things that had gone well and also things that he wanted to improve on.

What is means for you…

If you are reading this then Post Status club membership is for you. You are already interested in WordPress news so why not have an expert in the field take you through exactly what is going on. Trust me, we are not getting any affiliate revenue from this, we are solely recommending this because it’s something we think of as a high value resource that anyone who is interested in WordPress would benefit from.

Brian’s target is to get to 1000 members in a year’s time and he is currently around the 600 mark. If you want to keep up to date with all of the latest news in the WordPress ecosystem without barely lifting a finger? Get yourself a Post Status Club membership and get informed.