Celebrating WordPress

WordPress is our life and has been for years and it is always good to see statistics that show its success and popularity. As of August 2013 near on 20% of the top 10 Million sites use WordPress, which is more than any other system.

WordPress was born in 2003 when the founder Matt Mullenweg who was a frequent blogger developed an existing blogging software system and joined forces with the makers of the site.

For those not in the Web design world WordPress is a web template – a platform to build a unique website on a small or large scale. You can install themes which is basically a look and function which can then be adapted if you so choose. You can choose from a library of 26,000 plug-ins (tailor making the website to suit you and your needs). Examples of plug-ins would be adding social networking, virus scanners, video capabilities, analysis and graphics. The beauty of this range of functions are so your website can develop and adapt alongside the demands of your business. You may want to implement the ability for customers to buy directly off of your site, if so, there are e-commerce plug-ins to make this happen and very simple to do.


Blogging is so important for a number of reasons, mainly drawing attention from Google as Google loves WordPress and we know that ,because SEO experts have reported spikes when implementing it. WordPress is the best for blogging, after all that it why it was born.

Where is WordPress going?

Lets have some more stats…

In 2010 12.3% of websites were supported by WordPress

In 2011 14.9% of websites were supported by WordPress

In 2012 17% of websites were supported by WordPress

In 2013 19.9% of websites are supported by WordPress

People are adopting fast, awareness is spreading and WordPress are ahead when it comes to content management systems. And because of the growth, investors such as Tiger Global Management invested £50 Million for a secondary stake in Automatic (the maker of WordPress). In September the same people made an additional £60 Million investment. The next phase will be concentrating on the mobile revolution and adapting systems to keep the platform robust, forward and evolutionary.

Want to know which large companies are powered by WordPress?

Click here en.wordpress.com/notable-users? Names such as Ebay, Sony and UBS.

The New York Post (The Nations oldest continually published newspaper)

They indentified that nearly half of their readers used mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets to access their site and they established that WordPress fitted the bill and now The New York Post is powered by WordPress.

We recognize that in the coming years more and more people will be running their own on line business. We are ready to help make it happen for them.

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