Weekly round-up of WordPress news – Vol 17

Two releases of WordPress in a week and some posts about making your WordPress site more effective are this week WordPress news.
WordPress 4.9.4 Fixes Critical Auto Update Bug in 4.9.3 – WP Tavern
After the release of WordPress 4.9.3 was found to have a bug in the updating process, the issue was quickly resolved and 4.9.4 was pushed out to fix the issue. Just another great example of the WordPress team being proactive and getting a fix out as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, please make sure you always update to the latest version of WordPress to keep your site secure.
Taking Over a WordPress Website: The Ultimate Checklist – Elegant Themes
If you have taken over a WordPress site from someone else then you know how difficult it can be to understand how it’s built and how to make it better. This excellent checklist from Elegant Themes will help you to plan and structure taking over the site in the best possible manner.
5 Ways to Drive More Referral Traffic to Your WordPress Website – Torque
Everyone wants more traffic to their site, right? Here, Torque discusses 5 strategies to drive more referral traffic to your site and none of them are that hard to achieve. From commenting to social media, this post has some useful strategies that you can use now.
Utilizing Platform-Based Analytics, Part 2: LinkedIn Analytics – MemberPress
This is the second post in a series about analytics from MemberPress and I have chosen this one as its one that often gets neglected, LinkedIn. Whilst people tend to get involved with their Google Analytics, other forms of analysis tend to get ignored even though they can be a goldmine of information. If you use LinkedIn regularly and post onto there then you will want to know how your posts are performing. This post will help you to discover some tricks for getting the most out of LinkedIn.
The Ultimate Guide to DNS for WordPress – WPMU Dev
As the first line of this post says ‘DNS can be a headache’. If you want to learn a bit more about DNS and how important it is then this article is a great place to start. From normal web DNS to email DNS, this article will really help to get a grip on the complicated terminology of DNS.
Why you must have a ‘both’ mentality – WP Agency
Another great post from ourselves about how your mind can be opened up to new possibilities, make sure you check it out.