Weekly round-up of WordPress news – Vol 18

This week’s posts are mostly about making things better. We have post’s about making your site better, posts about making you better at Javascript and also posts about making you healthier. Let’s get started…
5 Reasons Why Your WordPress Website Isn’t Ranking in Google – WP Explorer
WordPress sites typically rank well in search engines. Sometimes though you need some help to understand what you can do to make your site rank higher. This guide is a great resource and provides five reasons why your site isn’t performing and also what you can do about it.
Avoid SEO Disaster While Redesigning Your Website – Torque
We have all been there, we build a new version of our site and then it bombs on the search engines. Over time we discover better ways of making sure that your site performs even better after a redesign and this post does a great job of summarising the best steps to take.
Content Marketing And WordPress: Tips, Plugins, And How To Make An Impact – Smashing Magazine
This is a fantastic article and covers some great strategies for getting your site to make an impact. Whether that’s through higher search engine rankings or better conversions, this is a an essential read for getting started with content marketing.
Free Virtual WordPress for JavaScript Conference June 29th – WP Tavern
Javascript in WordPress will only get more important in the coming years and Zac Gordon from Javascript for WordPress is running a free virtual WordPress conference. If you are serious about learning more about javascript for WordPress then this will be an amazing conference to get involved with.
Learn How to Add Custom JavaScript to WordPress the Right Way – WPMU Dev
Yes, there is very much a right way and wrong way of adding Javascript to WordPress. Whilst this post doesn’t cover enqueueing Javascript files, it does contain some useful information for beginners so you don’t break your website when you add some Javascript.
What would make you start exercising? – WP Agency
Exercise is vital to your health and well-being. Are you doing enough? When you can exercise at a high intensity for only 30 mins spread out over a week and get amazing results then there really isn’t any excuses.