Why your Business Needs a WordPress Website…

6 Great Reasons for using WordPress for your next Website

We love WordPress at Holistic Designs and with good reason. WordPress is now the leading blogging platform and content management system with over 57,000,000 sites using it and 14.7 percent of the top million websites in the world also using it. Not bad for an open source project!!

Below are 6 great reasons why WordPress is amazing and why you should choose WordPress for your next website.

WordPress is easy to use

If you have ever used Microsoft Word then you will find using WordPress a doddle. It has a simple admin interface with all of the controls you need for writing blog posts and pages including bold and italic text. There is also a convenient navigation menu which allows you to customise your WordPress in any way you see fit and an easy to use system for installing plugins. This gives you the ability to easily make changes to your WordPress website without having to employ a website developer.

WordPress Plugins to do lots of cool stuff

One of the most exciting things about WordPress is the amount and quality of plugins that are available to enhance your website. These range from contact forms to Twitter feeds, image galleries to social community builders, it’s all there. Now you don’t need to manually add code to your website, you can simply add a plugin using the easy and simple admin area system and you’re ready to go. WordPress plugins are an amazing way to add extra functionality to your website and as most of them are free to use it is a real win, win situation.

WordPress is great for SEO

WordPress websites are beautifully coded (especially when we do them!) and typically rank high in the search engines. This comes from the W3C valid coding which is web coding to the highest standards and from good use of HTML tags. You can also install great plugins which will help with your on-page search engine optimisation such as page titles, page descriptions and search engine indexation which all help you to have a WordPress website that ranks high.

WordPress websites are Dynamic & Database Driven

Whilst static websites are ok, having a dynamic and database driven website is by far the best way to go. Having a database driven site gives you the ability to store useful information with your website and then publish it onto your site in a dynamic and changeable way. This gives you dynamic content that can be changed every day to make your website interesting such as blog posts and latest news articles. You can also store contact information about your WordPress website subscribers or anything else that you can easily store in a database.

WordPress is Secure

With each new update of WordPress, security is updated and made even more secure. Right now it is hard to say that any website is safe after the high profile hacking attacks recently but WordPress does a damn good job. As well as the secure basic installation, you can also install WordPress plugins to make sure that your WordPress website is even more secure.

WordPress is very Popular

Whilst I wouldn’t normally recommend doing something because it’s popular, when it comes to selecting a platform for your website it is without a doubt the best way to go. WordPress is an established platform that drives millions of websites as seen from the stats at the top of the page. It is also an open source project that is worked on by multiple WordPress developers rather than being the property of one enterprise and thus has a benefit of a very active and helpful support community.

In summary WordPress is an excellent choice for your next website, 57 million websites cant be wrong!

If you are interested in having an amazing WordPress website then contact the leading WordPress developers in Northampton (us!) by clicking on the link below.

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